Who We Are

Oblates of St. Augustine

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The Oblates of St. Augustine is a community of Traditional Roman Catholic men, faithful to the Traditional Roman Rite, the Holy Rule of St. Augustine, and the traditional formulations of the Catholic religion.

The members of the Oblates of St. Augustine, faithful to the traditional Catholic religion and with one accord, are to search for and adore God, love him without measure, and more closely follow Jesus Christ in Obedience, Poverty, and Chastity, in simplicity of life, and in perfect fraternal communion.

To accomplish this, the Oblates of St. Augustine use the most excellent means given to us by Holy Mother Church: the Traditional Roman Rite for the Mass and Breviary, as codified by the Sacred Council of Trent, and amended by Popes through the centuries up to the time of the Second Vatican Council.

Remaining faithful to the traditional Catholic religion and to their communal vocation (which is both active-contemplative), amidst the troubles and vicissitudes of the world, the brothers, like the pilgrim Church, call proclaim the death of Our Lord until he comes, herald the life of heaven among men, and transform their entire life into a prayer of love and a song of praise, while hoping to enjoy the eternal possession and contemplation of God in the heavenly Jerusalem.

The Oblates of St. Augustine stand firm in matters of Faith and Morals, de fide, with the Church established by Jesus Christ, which is One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and Roman. Consequently, this community embraces all such doctrines of the Apostolic See of Rome, and it condemns all heresies and other errors condemned by that same See. The Oblates of St. Augustine are not affiliated with anyone who rejects this principle of unity with the Holy See.

The Oblates of St. Augustine is under the ecclesiastical authority of the Old Roman Catholic See of Caer-Glow, Diocese of Florida, governed by His Excellency Bishop D.E. Meikle, M.Div., D.D. More info: http://caer-glow.rosarychurch.net/

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